
Incredible Science Machine: Game On

250,000 Dominoes - The Incredible Science Machine: Game On - Detroit, MI - July 2017

For the third and final installment, I participated as a builder in Zeal’s Incredible Science Machine, led by Steve Price. This year the theme was all about board games, video games, and sports. The team managed to once again break the North American domino record, making an even bigger event than the previous year. For the final ISM, my job was to be a domino builder, building a portion in every single section including the baseball field, the Minecraft block, Pablo Sanchez, Yoshi, Apples to Apples, and more. This makes me the only member of the ISM Team that was assigned to dominoes, Rube Goldberg machines, and kinetic art throughout the three events. It took 7 days plus 1 night including half of us staying past 3 AM to complete this event. The falldown went perfectly without any full stops and it remains the largest number of dominoes toppled in North America to this day.

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